SAVE the evening of OCTOBER 8th, 2024 at The Emelin Theater 

for our second reading ever! Details to come! 

We are proud to have made semi-finals in the 2023 

Eugene O'Neill National Music Theater Conference ! 

Mayflower Avenue, A Play With Songs

Written by Nicole Alifante and S.C. Stowe

logo by Anne Mottola

Artistic Statement for Mayflower Avenue, A Multimedia Play With Songs

It’s morning in America…..again. Mayflower Avenue is a living room drama meets tech-driven magical realism fueled by a mashup of genre shifting contemporary songs. Set in a suburban NY enclave, on the eve of yet another election in the distant but near future, Mayflower Avenue offers an unrelenting glimpse into the intimate lives of four neighboring families, each poised on the edge of personal and national change. Why now? The creators of Mayflower Avenue believe it's right on time! We have been witness to tumultuous national and local elections, an attack on our nation's capital, 900k+ pandemic deaths,air quality alerts and a country that continues to struggle to define itself and defend the tenuous experiment we call democracy.

We call Mayflower Avenue a “play with songs” because it is uniquely dialogue heavy for a musical. It’s really a play that features stand-alone songs sung by the characters that will leave the audience humming. It is a collective project, made with love and humility, examining what community means, what racial reckoning and healing looks like and helps the audience to pause, examine where we are and reimagine how we move forward if American Democracy is a fragile experiment and the laboratory is on fire. 

Production Concept(s):

Some key points to keep in mind as you imagine a production of Mayflower Avenue:

The Mayflower Avenue creative team believes that theater should be challenging, transformative, and healing. Whether Mayflower Avenue finds a production in the next year - or in the distant but near future, it will continue to ask its audience a fundamental question…What will we cling to - and what will fall away in our shared search for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

With Deep Gratitude,

Nicole and Stephanie 

VISIT OUR YOUTUBE PAGE for fun Videos from our 8 Year far.......😚! So much more to come!