Song Synopsis: Ninth graders, Ruby and Gabriel sing about The Fermi Paradox which questions if there are other living creatures in the Universe. If humans are truly the only prototypes for life....are we screwed?
Nicole Alifante and Kerry Hopwood
Performed by Shane Spencer and Kaylee Taylor
Gabriel: Given what is happening if humans are the Proto-type for life, we’re fucked!
Gabriel and Ruby: FUCKED!
Ruby: What if we’re the first to thrive but we just couldn’t stay alive, we pushed our luck?
Gabriel: Who can we look to now for answers?
Ruby: For every grain of sand on earth there are 10,000 stars!
Gabriel: The Milky Way is just a speck, we’ve made the
earth a freakin’ wreck, so what the heck?
There’s gotta be other lives than ours!
Gabriel and Ruby: Chorus
Where is everybody?
Who will come save the day?
Save ourselves from all the hope we’ve lost along the way!
There’s gotta a be a place where life is worth more than a dime
There’s gotta be a world that isn’t run by greed and lies….!
Where are all the aliens who’ll help us to survive?
Where is everybody? Or is it just us...fucking it up?
Ruby: Some say we are all alone or maybe we are someone else’s hologram
Gabriel and Ruby: DAMN!
Gabriel: So, we think it’s reality but actually we’re some robotic monster’s spam
Ruby: That’s the jam!
Ruby: Human mythologies are lame, telling us we are not the same,
So who’s to blame?
Wish we could ask friends from different stars!
Ruby and Gabriel: Chorus
Where is everybody?
Who will come save the day?
Save ourselves from all the hope we’ve lost along the way!
There’s gotta a be a place where life is worth more than a
There’s gotta be a world that isn’t run by greed and lies….!
Where are all the aliens who’ll help us to survive?
Where is everybody?
Pray for us tomorrow!
Maybe tomorrow